How to Unassign a Test

    Instructions for Unassigning a Test from a Client in SigmaTesting

    Step 1. Access Your Client Database

    Step 2. Find Your Client

    • Scroll through your client database to locate the client for which you would like to unassign a test. Click on SELECT beside their name.

    Step 3. Select the Assessment

    • From the Client Control page, you will see personal information and all tests currently assigned to the selected client. Click on SELECT beside the test you would like to unassign.

    Step 4. Unassign

    • You should now be on the Test Control page. The currently selected client will be displayed, along with Test Status and a variety of options near the bottom of the screen. Click on UNASSIGN TEST. A window will pop up to confirm. Click on OK.

    Once a test has been unassigned, it will be returned to your pool of available test codes, and remain available to assign to another client.